Our recommendations for enhancing your box design and artwork.
Depending on printing, artwork should be created in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) or Pantone spot colors. RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) color mode is commonly used for digital displays, so it is important to convert to the appropriate color mode to ensure accurate color reproduction.
If you’re having trouble reading a font on your computer screen, you can make it bigger by zooming in. However, you can’t change the size later regarding printed words. That’s why using a font larger than 9pt is important, so it’s easy to read when printed.
Remember that fancy or intricate fonts, like cursive styles, may not look as clear and sharp on paper as on the screen. So, when choosing fonts, prioritize legibility to ensure the text is clear and easy to read when printed on the packaging.
The minimum resolution of the artwork should be 300 dots per inch (DPI) to ensure clear and sharp printing. Lower resolutions can result in pixelation or blurriness.
Artwork files should typically be provided in a high-resolution, print-ready format such as PDF, TIFF, or EPS. These file formats preserve the quality and integrity of the artwork during printing. If your design includes photos or other non-vector elements, you can submit them as high-resolution JPEG or PNG files with 300 dots per inch (dpi).
Organize artwork files clearly and structured, using separate layers for different elements and providing clear naming conventions. It helps prevent confusion and ensures the correct elements are used during printing.